
IEC Debre Zeit is started as a small fellowship around the year 2007. It started as an informal gathering when Dutch families started to gather together on Sunday mornings. As different businesses were started and more families joined the Sunday services it grew into a group of 60 people and often many visitors.

As the relation with the IEC of Addis Ababa was intensified, regularly preachers from IEC Addis Ababa came to preach for us in Debre Zeit. In the year 2018 we decided to become part of the IEC as a branch of the church in Addis Ababa.

The International Evangelical Church (IEC) of Addis Ababa is an interdenominational church with a unique history, as well as a specialized calling and ministry to and among both the expatriate communities of Addis Ababa and the English-speaking and internationalized Ethiopian community, IEC began in the 1940s as an English-language worship service for expatriate missionaries. Originally a ministry of the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM), the ‘Gospel Chapel,’ as it was then called, met in a rented house in Piazza.